Choosing the right forklift for your warehouse is very important, depending greatly on the type of tasks your forklift will be expected to perform. Here we discuss the key differences between 3 wheel and 4 wheel forklifts, so you can choose wisely!
3 wheel forklifts have greater manoeuvrability, able to turn in tighter circles than a 4 wheel forklift – this might be a benefit depending on your warehouse layout. Small indoor spaces will benefit from 3 wheel forklifts the most. It’s key that the ground is smooth; 3 wheel forklifts will struggle over surfaces such as gravel.
4 wheel forklifts are known for better gradebility, good for moving heavy materials. They perform well with organisations with large capacity needs, heavy materials and rough terrain, performing well indoors as well as outside.
The key thing is to do your research! Selecting a forklift that suits your needs specifically is vital to ensuring high levels of efficiency and productivity, as well as value for money!
For more information about our forklift training services and to book your place contact us on 03333 442949 or