Why must we repeat forklift training?

We all know the importance of training – but re-taking or repeating training already completed can sometimes feel unnecessary. But this is far from the truth – there are many good reasons to repeat and continue training in your chosen field, particularly as a forklift driver. Here’s why.

Strong skills development and new ideas. Whilst we can learn something once, repeating or re-learning can improve our performance and efficiency of our work, which is incredibly important for keeping those in the warehouse safe. Continued training can also spark new ideas and provide up to date legislation, should best practise be improved over time.

Improvement in productivity. Continuously investing in training for forklift drivers and their training transforms productivity and leaves the team feeling valued and well prepped for whatever challenges lie ahead.

Refresh important skills. In a busy warehouse, it’s easy to forget the basics of safety and operation – but doing so can be incredibly dangerous. By continuously offering refresher sessions the warehouse and everyone working in it will be safer – and safety measures will become second nature.

For more information about our forklift training services, contact us on 03333 442949 or [email protected].

Forklift Mistakes and how to Avoid Them

Forklifts are an essential part of any warehouse, but mistakes are easily made and can cause a lot of disruption. Here’s our list of the most common forklift mistakes – and how you can avoid making them!

Over Capacity? If you overload your forklift, or if your load is insecure, the vehicle can become unstable which can lead to damage and/or injury. Check your forklift capacity before you start loading – every time!

Is your power low? Running out of power halfway through a job can cause a serious hazard – you should regularly check the power of your forklift, to make sure you can complete your task efficiently.

Communication is key. Forklift drivers must pay attention to their surroundings, including speed limits, and listen to key instructions from colleagues – if not, forklifts can pose a serious risk.

Misuse can be dangerous. Proper workwear must be worn at all times, and vehicles should only be used for their intended purpose. It might be tempting to try and use the power of a forklift for other odd jobs, but it’s not worth the risk.

For more information about our forklift training services, contact us on 03333 442949 or [email protected].

Gas, Diesel or Electric Forklifts – which is best?

Choosing a forklift and making the right decision for your organisation is vital. And with that comes the decision on fuel type and what works best for you. Gas, diesel and electric forklifts are all available on the market – but which one is best for your needs and for your organisation?

Gas – The great thing about gas powered forklifts is the flexibility. They can be used both indoor and outdoor and don’t require long periods of charging. They can be easier to manoeuvre and quieter when in use. However, whilst they can also be cheaper initially ongoing maintenance costs can be higher than other models, and can run out of gas without prior notice.

Diesel – Diesel forklifts are great for use outdoors, and are usually more powerful and can carry heavier loads than some other models. They are robust and again don’t require any charging. However, given the danger of fumes diesel forklifts are often not suitable for use indoors and can be noisier than other models. They are generally bigger than other models too, which can be a problem if storage is tight.

Electric – By far the most climate-friendly model of all forklifts! They are usually lighter and more compact, meaning they can be more nimble than other models. They can be easier to drive with fewer moving parts. However, they cam be expensive to purchase initially and of course require regular charging.

For more information about our forklift training services, contact us on 03333 442949 or [email protected].

How can you extend your forklift’s life span?

We all well know the importance of getting those most out of our forklifts – and there are some very simple things we can do to extend the lifespan of our forklifts. Take a look at what you can do to get the most out of your forklift below.

Change the engine oil. Easily forgotten, very simple but hugely effective. Ideally you should change the oil in your forklift every 200 hours of usage. Whilst changing the oil it also makes sense to schedule regular maintenance checks, just in case. Better safe than sorry!

Stay clean! Not just the forklift, but make sure that the environment your forklift is operating in is clean too. Dry and clean environments to store your forklift in when you’re not using it too are incredibly important for keeping your forklift in top shape for longer.

Investment in training is vital. Having someone use a forklift without training can cause damage that will shorten the lifespan of your vehicle. Full and regular training will have a huge impact on the longevity of your forklift.

For more information about our forklift training services, contact us on 03333 442949 or [email protected].

Preventing Forklift Hazards

You know what they say, prevention is better than cure! That is also entirely true in the warehouse and when managing forklift operations. By thinking about combatting hazards in advance you’ll be sure to avoid accidents in the future. Here are some of the key things you need to think about.

Start with training. There’s no excuse for not making sure everyone on site, forklift driver or not, has proper health and safety training for working alongside forklifts. It’s also vital that this training is refreshed often.

Make sure you operate your forklift properly at all times. That includes using slow speeds, using signals, sticking to maximum weight and keeping alert to your surroundings.

Think about the layout of your warehouse. Is your warehouse both pedestrian and forklift safe? Does the layout make sense to everyone working in the warehouse? A lot can be achieved by optimising your warehouse layout.

For more information about our forklift training services, contact us on 03333 442949 or [email protected].