Are you looking after your forklift battery?

What’s a forklift without its battery? Useless! As such, it’s really important you look after your forklift battery properly to ensure your equipment can serve its purpose properly. Here’s how.

Charge it the right way! Always follow the manufacturers instructions on charging your battery to ensure it doesn’t get damaged – overcharging a battery can greatly reduce its lifespan and performance.

Avoid exposing your battery to extreme temperatures.  Not always easy depending on the environment you’re working in, but if you have a forklift working in extreme temperatures make sure you have a battery fit for the job.

Keep it clean! Dirty batteries suffer from performance issues and can make it more difficult to identify when there are problems with the battery – so make sure you keep your battery clean as part of your routine maintenance!

Regular maintenance is a must. For the most part when it comes to forklift performance, regular maintenance is an absolute must. The battery is no different – plan your forklift maintenance in advance and include the battery in your checks.

For more information about our forklift training or to book your place, contact 01582 383388 or [email protected].