Does your forklift need a service?

Maintenance of your forklift is vital to keep it up and running as long as possible. Regular service and maintenance should be part of your schedule, but despite that it’s good to know the signs of your forklift needing a service. So what should you be looking out for when it comes to your forklift needing a service?

Reduced power or slower response. Does the forklift seem sluggish and slower than usual? It might be worth checking the engine or the transmission to check if a service is required. If the steering seems off it’s worth investigating if the steering system needs some attention.

Watch for warning lights. Warning lights are built into forklifts for a reason – to warn us! It might seem easier to ignore them, but don’t – it might cost you more in the longer term if you ignore warning lights on your forklift dashboard.

Hearing strange noises? Again, another thing you might be tempted to ignore, but if your forklift doesn’t sound normal it’s likely there’s a problem that needs your attention. Get it serviced!

For more information about our forklift training or to book your place, contact 01582 383388 or [email protected].